# Account
# API for an account
# License {{{1
# Copyright (C) 2016-2024 Kenneth S. Kundert
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
# Imports {{{1
from .browsers import StandardBrowser
from .collection import Collection
from .config import get_setting
from .error import PasswordError
from .obscure import ObscuredSecret
from .recognize import Recognizer
from .script import Script
from .secrets import GeneratedSecret
from difflib import get_close_matches
from inform import (
codicil, conjoin, cull, full_stop, is_collection, is_mapping, is_str,
join, log, notify, output, warn, indent, render
from textwrap import dedent
from urllib.parse import urlparse
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
from urlparse import urlparse
import re
# Globals {{{1
VECTOR_PATTERN = re.compile(r'\A(\w+)\[(\w+)\]\Z')
# Utilities {{{1
def canonicalize(name):
return name.replace('-', '_').replace(' ', '_').lower()
def is_forbidden_field(name):
# return true if a field name is intended only for internal use only
return name.endswith('_') or name in FORBIDDEN_TOOL_FIELDS
# AccountValue class {{{1
class AccountValue:
"""An account value.
This is the object returned by :meth:`avendesora.Account.get_value` and
It contains information about a single account value. Specifically, it
provides the following attributes: *value*, *is_secret*, *name*, *key*,
*field*, and *desc*.
def __init__(self, value, is_secret, name=None, key=None, desc=None):
self.value = value
self.is_secret = is_secret
self.name = name
self.key = str(key) if key is not None else key
self.field = '.'.join(cull([name, self.key]))
self.desc = desc
def __str__(self):
"Returns value as string."
secret = str(self.value)
if hasattr(self.value, 'entropy'):
entropy = round(self.value.entropy)
log('Entropy of {} = {} bits.'.format(self.name, entropy))
return secret
def render(self, fmts=('{f} ({d}): {v}', '{f}: {v}')):
"""Return value formatted as a string.
fmts (collection of strings):
*fmts* contains a sequence of format strings that are tried in
sequence. The first one for which all keys are known is used.
The possible keys are:
| n — name (identifier for the first level of a field)
| k — key (identifier for the second level of a field)
| f — field (name.key)
| d — description
| v — value
If none work, the value alone is returned.
The value rendered as a string.
value = str(self.value)
if '\n' in value:
value = '\n'+indent(dedent(value), get_setting('indent')).strip('\n')
if is_str(fmts):
fmts = fmts,
# build list of arguments, deleting any that is not set
args = {
k: v for k, v in [
('f', self.field),
('k', self.key),
('n', self.name),
('d', self.desc),
('v', value)
] if v
# format the arguments, use first format sting that works
for fmt in fmts:
return fmt.format(**args)
except KeyError:
# nothing worked, just return the value
return value
def __iter__(self):
"Cast AccountValue to a tuple to get value, is_secret, field, and desc."
for each in [str(self), self.is_secret, self.field, self.desc]:
yield each
# Account class {{{1
class Account(object):
"""Class that holds all the information specific to an account.
Add desired account information as attributes of the class.
__NO_MASTER = True
# prevents master seed from being added to this base class
_accounts = {}
# all_loaded_accounts() {{{2
def all_loaded_accounts(cls):
for sub in cls.__subclasses__():
# do not yield the base StealthAccount
if sub != StealthAccount:
yield sub
for each in sub.all_loaded_accounts():
yield each
# get_account() {{{2
def get_account(name):
canonical = canonicalize(name)
return Account._accounts[canonical]
except KeyError:
# account not found, assemble message giving suggested account names
names = Account._accounts.keys()
candidates = get_close_matches(canonical, names, 9, 0.6)
# do not want to give multiple options all of which are aliases for
# the same accounts, so look for up to three unique accounts
close_matches = []
for candidate in candidates:
account = Account._accounts[candidate]
if account not in close_matches:
if len(close_matches) >= 3:
# add the aliases to be base account names if available
offer = []
for account in close_matches:
aliases = getattr(account, 'aliases', None)
if aliases:
offer.append('{} ({})'.format(
account.get_name(), ', '.join(aliases)
# generate the message handling 0, 1, 2 or 3 candidates gracefully
msg = 'account not found'
if offer:
msg = '{}, did you mean:\n {}?'.format(
msg, conjoin(offer, sep=',\n ', conj=', or\n ')
raise PasswordError(full_stop(msg), culprit=name)
# get_name() {{{2
def get_name(cls):
"""Get account name.
Returns the primary account name. This is generally the class name
converted to lower case unless it was overridden with the NAME
return cls.NAME
except AttributeError:
# consider converting lower to upper case transitions in __name__ to
# dashes.
return cls.__name__.lower()
# get_seed() {{{2
def get_seed(cls):
return cls.account_seed
except AttributeError:
return cls.get_name()
# override_master() {{{2
def request_seed(cls):
return getattr(cls, '_interactive_seed_', False)
# preprocess() {{{2
def preprocess(cls, master, fileinfo, seen):
# return if this account has already been processed
if hasattr(cls, '_file_info_'):
return # account has already been processed
# add fileinfo
cls._file_info_ = fileinfo
# dedent any string attributes
for k, v in cls.__dict__.items():
if is_str(v) and '\n' in v:
setattr(cls, k, dedent(v))
# add master seed
if master and not hasattr(cls, '_%s__NO_MASTER' % cls.__name__):
if not hasattr(cls, 'master_seed'):
cls.master_seed = master
cls._master_source_ = 'file'
cls._master_source_ = 'account'
# convert aliases to a list
if hasattr(cls, 'aliases'):
aliases = list(Collection(cls.aliases))
cls.aliases = aliases
aliases = []
# canonicalize names and look for duplicates
new = {}
account_name = cls.get_name()
path = cls._file_info_.path
for name in [account_name] + aliases:
canonical = canonicalize(name)
Account._accounts[canonical] = cls
if canonical in seen:
if name == account_name:
warn('duplicate account name.', culprit=name)
warn('alias duplicates existing name.', culprit=name)
codicil('Seen in %s in %s.' % seen[canonical])
codicil('And in %s in %s.' % (account_name, path))
new[canonical] = (account_name, path)
# this two step approach to updating seen prevents us from
# complaining about aliases that duplicate the account name,
# or duplicate aliases, both of which are harmless
# id_contains() {{{2
def id_contains(cls, target):
target = target.lower()
if target in cls.get_name().lower():
return True
for alias in cls.aliases:
if target in alias.lower():
return True
except AttributeError:
return False
# account_contains() {{{2
def account_contains(cls, target):
if cls.id_contains(target):
return True
target = target.lower()
for key, value in cls.items():
if is_collection(value):
for k, v in Collection(value).items():
if target in v.lower():
return True
elif target in value.lower():
return True
except AttributeError:
return False
# recognize() {{{2
def recognize(cls, data, verbose):
# try the specified recognizers
discovery = getattr(cls, 'discovery', ())
for recognizer in Collection(discovery):
if isinstance(recognizer, Recognizer):
script = recognizer.match(data, cls, verbose)
name = getattr(recognizer, 'name', None)
if script:
yield name, script
if discovery:
# If no recognizers specified, just check the urls
for url in Collection(cls.get_composite('urls', default=[])):
url = str(url) # this is needed because url may be Script
url = url if '//' in url else ('//'+url)
url_components = urlparse(url)
if url_components.scheme:
protocol = url_components.scheme
protocol = get_setting('default_protocol')
host = url_components.netloc
if host == data.get('host'):
if (protocol == data.get('protocol')):
if verbose:
log(' %s: matches.' % cls.get_name())
yield None, True
msg = 'URL matches, but uses wrong protocol.'
raise PasswordError(msg, culprit=cls.get_name())
# initialize() {{{2
def initialize(cls, interactive_seed=False, stealth_name=None):
cls._interactive_seed_ = interactive_seed
log('Initializing account:', cls.get_name())
if cls.master_seed.is_secure():
if not cls._file_info_.encrypted:
'high value master seed not contained in encrypted',
'account file.', culprit=cls.get_name()
except AttributeError:
for bad, good in get_setting('commonly_mistaken_attributes').items():
if hasattr(cls, bad):
'{} attribute found,'.format(bad),
'should probably be {}.'.format(good),
# do some more error checking
if isinstance(getattr(cls, 'master_seed', None), GeneratedSecret):
raise PasswordError(
'master must not be a subclass of GeneratedSecret.',
# fields() {{{2
def fields(cls, all=False, sort=False):
if sort:
fields = sorted(cls.__dict__)
fields = cls.__dict__
hidden_fields = get_setting('hidden_fields').split() + HIDDEN_TOOL_FIELDS
for field in fields:
if field.startswith('_') or is_forbidden_field(field):
if all or field not in hidden_fields:
yield field
# items() {{{2
def items(cls, all=False, sort=False):
for field in cls.fields(all, sort):
yield field, getattr(cls, field)
# get_fields() {{{2
def get_fields(cls, all=False, sort=False):
"""Iterate through fields.
Iterates through the field names.
for name, keys in account.get_fields():
for key, value in account.get_values(name):
value.render(('{f} ({d}): {v}', '{f}: {v}'))
fields = [
account.combine_field(name, key)
for name, keys in account.get_fields()
for key in keys
for field in fields:
value = account.get_value(field)
display(f'{field}: {value!s}')
all (bool):
If False, ignore the tool fields.
sort (bool):
If False, use natural sort order.
A pair (2-tuple) that contains both field name and the key names.
None is returned for the key names if the field holds a scalar value.
for field in cls.fields():
value = getattr(cls, field)
if is_collection(value):
yield field, Collection(value).keys()
yield field, [None]
# get_scalar() {{{2
def get_scalar(cls, name, key=None, default=False):
"""Get field value given a field name and key.
A lower level interface than *get_value()* that given a name and perhaps
a key returns a scalar value. Also takes an optional default value that is
returned if the value is not found. Unlike *get_value()*, the actual value
is returned, not a object that contains multiple facets of the value.
The *name* is the field name, and the *key* would identity which value is
desired if the field is a composite. If default is False, an error is raised
if the value is not present, otherwise the default value itself is returned.
name (str):
The name of the field.
key (str or int)
The key for the desired value (should be None for scalar values).
The value to return if the requested value is not available.
The requested value.
value = getattr(cls, name, None)
if value is None:
if name == 'NAME':
return cls.get_name()
if default is False:
raise PasswordError(
'field not found.',
culprit=(cls.get_name(), cls.combine_field(name, key))
return default
if key is None:
if is_collection(value):
choices = {}
for k, v in Collection(value).items():
desc = v.get_description()
except AttributeError:
desc = None
if desc:
choices[' %s: %s' % (k, desc)] = k
choices[' %s:' % k] = k
raise PasswordError(
'composite value found, need key. Choose from:',
sep = '\n',
culprit=(cls.get_name(), cls.combine_field(name, key)),
is_collection = True,
collection = choices
if is_collection(value):
value = value[key]
'not a composite value, key ignored.',
culprit = (cls.get_name(), name)
key = None
except (IndexError, KeyError, TypeError):
raise PasswordError(
'key not found.',
culprit=(cls.get_name(), cls.combine_field(name, key))
# initialize the value if needed
if hasattr(value, "initialize"):
value.initialize(cls, name, key)
except PasswordError as e:
e.reraise(culprit=e.get_culprit((name, key)))
return value
# is_secret() {{{2
def is_secret(cls, name, key=None):
value = cls.__dict__.get(name)
if isinstance(value, Script):
str(value) # side effect of convert to string is computing is_secret
return value.is_secret
if key is None:
return value.is_secret
except AttributeError:
return isinstance(value, (GeneratedSecret, ObscuredSecret))
return value[key].is_secret
except AttributeError:
return isinstance(value[key], (GeneratedSecret, ObscuredSecret))
except (IndexError, KeyError, TypeError):
raise PasswordError(
'not found.', culprit=cls.combine_field(name, key)
# split_field() {{{2
def split_field(cls, field):
# Account fields can either be scalars or composites (vectors or
# dictionaries). This function takes a string or tuple (field) that the
# user provides to specify which account value they wish and splits it
# into a name and a key. If the field is a scalar, the key will be
# None. Users request a value using one of the following forms:
# True: use default name
# field: scalar value (key=None)
# index: questions (field->'questions', key=index)
# field[index] or field.index: for vector value
# field[key] or field.key: for dictionary value
# handle empty field
if field is True or field is False or field == '':
field = None
if field is None:
field = cls.get_scalar('default', default=None)
# convert field into integer if possible
field = int(field)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
# separate field into name and key
if type(field) is tuple:
# split field if given as a tuple
if len(field) == 1:
name, key = field[0], None
elif len(field) == 2:
name, key = field[0], field[1]
raise PasswordError('too many values.', culprit=field)
elif is_str(field):
# split field if given in the form: name[key]
match = VECTOR_PATTERN.match(field)
if match:
name, key = match.groups()
# split field if given in the form: name.key
name, key = field.split('.')
except ValueError:
# must be simple name
name, key = field, None
elif field is None:
# handle defaulting
defaults = get_setting('default_field').split()
for default in defaults:
if hasattr(cls, default):
name, key = default, None
raise PasswordError(
'no default available, you must request a specific value.',
elif type(field) is int:
name, key = get_setting('default_vector_field'), int(field)
raise PasswordError('invalid field.', culprit=field)
# look up name and key
return cls.find_field(name, key)
# find_field() {{{2
def find_field(cls, name, key=None):
# look up field name while ignoring case and treating - and _ as same
names = {
canonicalize(n): n
for n in cls.__dict__.keys()
if not is_forbidden_field(n)
name = names[canonicalize(name)]
except KeyError:
raise PasswordError('field not found.', culprit=name)
# name is now the true field name, now resolve key
if key is None:
return name, None
return name, int(key)
except ValueError:
value = getattr(cls, name)
keys = {
canonicalize(n): n
for n in value.keys()
key = keys[canonicalize(key)]
except KeyError:
raise PasswordError('key not found.', culprit=key)
except AttributeError:
key = None
return name, key
# combine_field() {{{2
def combine_field(cls, name, key=None):
# Inverse of split_field().
if key is None:
return name
return '%s.%s' % (name, key)
# get_value() {{{2
def get_value(cls, field=None):
"""Get account value.
Return value from the account given a user friendly identifier or
script. User friendly identifiers include:
| *None*: value of default field
| *name*: scalar value
| *name.key* or *name[key]*:
| member of a dictionary or array
| key is string for dictionary, integer for array
Scripts are simply strings with embedded attributes.
Ex: *'username: {username}, password: {passcode}'*
field (str):
Field identifier or script.
:class:`avendesora.AccountValue`: the desired value.
# get default if field was not given
if not field:
field = cls.get_scalar('default', default=None)
# determine whether field is actually a script
is_script = is_str(field) and '{' in field and '}' in field
if is_script:
# run the script
script = Script(field)
value = str(script)
is_secret = script.is_secret
name = key = desc = None
name, key = cls.split_field(field)
value = cls.get_scalar(name, key)
is_secret = cls.is_secret(name, key)
desc = value.get_description()
except AttributeError:
desc = None
return AccountValue(value, is_secret, name, key, desc)
# get_values() {{{2
def get_values(cls, name):
"""Iterate through the values for a field.
name (str):
The name of the field.
Returns a pair (2-tuple) that contains the key and the value given
as an :class:`avendesora.AccountValue` for each of the values. If
the value is a scalar, the key is None.
name, key = cls.find_field(name)
value = getattr(cls, name, None)
if value is None:
if name == 'NAME':
value = cls.get_name()
values = Collection(value, splitter=False)
for key, val in values.items():
value = cls.get_scalar(name, key)
is_secret = cls.is_secret(name, key)
desc = value.get_description()
except AttributeError:
desc = None
yield key, AccountValue(value, is_secret, name, key, desc)
# get_composite() {{{2
def get_composite(cls, name, default=None):
"""Get field value given a field name.
A lower level interface than *get_value()* that given a name returns the
value of the associated field, which may be a scalar (string or integer)
or a composite (array of dictionary). Unlike *get_value()*, the actual
value is returned, not a object that contains multiple facets of the
name (str):
The name of the field.
The requested value.
value = getattr(cls, name, None)
if value is None:
if name == 'NAME':
return cls.get_name()
return default
if is_collection(value):
if is_mapping(value): # a dictionary or dictionary-like object
result = {}
for key in value.keys():
v = cls.get_scalar(name, key)
if isinstance(v, GeneratedSecret) or isinstance(v, ObscuredSecret):
v = str(v)
result[key] = v
result = []
for index in range(len(value)):
v = cls.get_scalar(name, index)
if isinstance(v, GeneratedSecret) or isinstance(v, ObscuredSecret):
v = str(v)
result = cls.get_scalar(name)
if isinstance(result, GeneratedSecret) or isinstance(result, ObscuredSecret):
result = str(result)
return result
# write_summary() {{{2
def write_summary(cls, all=False, sort=False):
# present all account values that are not explicitly secret to the user
label_color = get_setting('_label_color')
highlight_color = get_setting('_highlight_color')
def fmt_field(name, value='', key=None, level=0):
hl = False
# resolve values
if isinstance(value, Script):
hl = True
value = value.script
elif cls.is_secret(name, key):
reveal = "reveal with: {}".format(highlight_color(join(
cls.combine_field(name, key)
value = ', '.join(cull([value.get_description(), reveal]))
elif isinstance(value, (GeneratedSecret, ObscuredSecret)):
v = cls.get_scalar(name, key)
value = ', '.join(cull([value.get_description(), str(v)]))
value = str(value)
# format values
if '\n' in value:
value = indent(dedent(value), get_setting('indent')).strip('\n')
sep = '\n'
elif value:
sep = ' '
sep = ''
if hl:
value = highlight_color(value)
name = str(name).replace('_', ' ')
leader = level * get_setting('indent')
return indent(
label_color((name if key is None else str(key)) + ':') + sep + value,
# preload list with the names associated with this account
names = [cls.get_name()] + getattr(cls, 'aliases', [])
lines = [fmt_field('names', ', '.join(names))]
for key, value in cls.items(all=all, sort=sort):
if is_collection(value):
for k, v in Collection(value).items():
lines.append(fmt_field(key, v, k, level=1))
lines.append(fmt_field(key, value))
output(*lines, sep='\n')
def extract(cls, value, name, key=None):
"Generate all secrets in an account value"
if not is_collection(value):
if hasattr(value, 'initialize'):
value.initialize(cls, name, key)
return value
return {k: cls.extract(v, name, k) for k, v in value.items()}
except AttributeError:
return [cls.extract(v, name, i) for i, v in enumerate(value)]
# archive() {{{2
def archive(cls):
"""Return all account fields along with their values
Used when creating the accounts archive.
A dictionary containing all account fields with all secrets included.
return {
k: cls.extract(v, k)
for k, v in cls.items(True)
if k not in ['master_seed', 'account_seed']
# export() {{{2
def export(cls, fold_level=1):
# return all account fields along with their values
"""Return all account fields along with their values as a dictionary
Used when exporting accounts. If fold_level is truthy, it should be a
positive integer that indicates the fold level for each account.
A string that contains all account fields with all secrets included
formatted as an Account class.
values = [
'{} = {}'.format(k, render(cls.extract(v, k), level=1))
for k, v in cls.items(True)
if k not in ['master_seed', 'account_seed']
return dedent('''
class {name}(Account):{fold}
fold = ' # {' + '{' + '{' + str(fold_level) if fold_level else '',
name = cls.__name__,
values = '\n '.join(values),
# open_browser() {{{2
def open_browser(cls, key=None, browser_name=None, list_urls=False):
if not browser_name:
browser_name = cls.get_scalar('browser', default=None)
browser = StandardBrowser(browser_name)
label_color = get_setting('_label_color')
highlight_color = get_setting('_highlight_color')
# get the urls from the urls attribute
primary_urls = getattr(cls, 'urls', [])
if type(primary_urls) != dict:
if is_str(primary_urls):
primary_urls = primary_urls.split()
primary_urls = {None: primary_urls} if primary_urls else {}
# get the urls from the url recognizers
discovery = getattr(cls, 'discovery', ())
urls = {}
for each in Collection(discovery):
# combine, primary_urls must be added to urls, so they dominate
if list_urls:
default = getattr(cls, 'default_url', None)
for name, url in urls.items():
if is_collection(url):
url = list(Collection(url))[0]
if name == default:
url += highlight_color(' [default]')
if not name:
name = ''
elif not name:
output(label_color('{:>24s}:'.format(name)), url)
# select the urls
keys = list(urls.keys())
if not key:
key = getattr(cls, 'default_url', None)
if not key and keys and len(keys) == 1:
key = keys[0]
urls = urls[key]
except KeyError:
if keys:
if key:
msg = 'unknown key, choose from {}.'
msg = 'key required, choose from {}.'
raise PasswordError(
msg.format(conjoin(repr(k) for k in keys)), culprit=key
if key:
raise PasswordError(
'keys are not supported with urls on this account.',
raise PasswordError('no url available.')
# open the url
urls = Collection(urls)
url = list(urls)[0] # use the first url specified
# has_field() {{{2
def has_field(cls, name):
return name in dir(cls)
# get_username() {{{2
def get_username(cls):
"""Get the username.
Like *get_value()*, but tries the *credential_ids* in order and returns
the first found. *credential_ids* is an Avendesora configuration setting
that by default is *username* and *email*.
The username or email address.
identities = Collection(get_setting('credential_ids'))
for identity in identities:
return cls.get_value(identity)
except PasswordError:
# get_passcode() {{{2
def get_passcode(cls):
"""Get the passcode.
Like *get_value()*, but tries the *credential_secrets* in order and returns
the first found. *credential_secrets* is an Avendesora configuration setting
that by default is *password*, *passphrase*, and *passcode*.
The passcode.
secrets = Collection(get_setting('credential_secrets'))
for passcode in secrets:
return cls.get_value(passcode)
except PasswordError:
# StealthAccount class {{{1
class StealthAccount(Account):
"""Empty account that defines how to generate a secret.
With stealth accounts the actual account name is requested directly from the
user. Only one attribute is generally given for stealth accounts, which is
suitable as a default such as password, passphrase or passcode, and that
contains the method for generating the desired secret based on the account
name and the master seed in the stealth_accounts file.
__NO_MASTER = True
# prevents master password from being added to this base class
# initialize() {{{2
def initialize(cls, interactive_seed=False, stealth_name=None):
cls._interactive_seed_ = interactive_seed
cls._stealth_name = stealth_name
log('Initializing stealth account:', cls.get_name())
for key, value in cls.items():
# reset the secrets so they honor stealth_name
except AttributeError:
def get_seed(cls):
if cls._stealth_name:
# In this case we are running using API rather than running from
# command line and the account names was specified to get_account().
return cls._stealth_name
# need to handle case where stdin/stdout is not available.
# perhaps write generic password getter that supports both gui and tui.
# Then have global option that indicates which should be used.
# Separate name from seed. Only request seed when generating a password.
import getpass
name = getpass.getpass('account name: ')
except EOFError:
name = ''
if not name:
warn('null account name.')
return name
def archive(cls):
# do not archive stealth accounts